General rules to User-Accounts (Account)
Special rules concerning user accounts and conduct
Bug, Bug-using, Scripts and similar things
---- Actions taken for violating the game-rules ----
Rule violation and punishment
Other/More Rules
- Additional Terms of Use (Ship Auction, Script-Engine etc.)
- Organization of STNE
Like every other game STNE follows specific game rules.
Because we all
would like to have fun in this game, all of these rules must be held! Violations will be dealt with by the management or the administration in form of the STNE court. Punishment include Account Ban, Account Deletion, or other types of punishments. In principle the "you" form is used in the game. Should it bother anyone, so is it advised to not even begin playing this game.
With your login into this game, you accept the following rules and promise to keep them. Any additions or changes to the Rules will not be enforced retroactively. Any new Rules are immediately in effect from the time they are posted in game. As soon as you login to STNE, you recognize amendments and changes to the game rules.
- STNE is free of charge, therefore you have no right to claim any permanent presence.
- You may only create one account per server*.
- You may only play one account per server*.
You can upgrade your free account through
- Increasing of Limits (Ship Limits and Colonial Limits)
- Acquisition of a Feature Pack (FP)
- You may not create a account to cause damage to another account or to manipulate another account.
- You may NOT trade, sell or give away your account.,
this also counts for your upgraded account*.
- You may not hack yourself in other accounts, this is strictly prohibited.
- Account-sitting is prohibited.
- - 5. (deleted without replacement)
Note: the account-sitting has been replaced by a vacation mode.
- You can not give goods from your account to other players if your account has been registered for less than 150 ticks in the game.
*Suspicions are sufficiant!
1Violations will be see as multi accounting. Suspicions are sufficient!
3. Special Rules concerning User Accounts and Code of Conduct
- You may choose any Player, Ship, Alliance or colony name you wish.
- Your name may not exist out of characters/notifications/sentences which are
extreme, forbidden, criminal, unconstitutional, sexual, offensive or suggest different strange contents or context.1
This also counts for the pictures in the descriptions, messages and/or emblems.1
Names must be clearly distinguished from existing ones.
- The formatting is to be chosen so that the characters are easy readable, and that there is no violation visible.
- You are permitted to use all the means of the action of the game, but the following behavior policy is everyone's obligation to keep!
- Bashing means the regularly recurring attack and Stealing from a player and thus removing their freedom of actions. Bashing is strictly forbidden.
- Every action must have a beginning and an end. Its not just your fun that's priority!
- Insults are prohibited.
- You may not impersonate the game management, the administration or the NPC's.
- You may not post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, pornographic or publish for reasons other criminal content in this game. This counts for the following, but is not limited to, SCN, SSCN, IRC, TS and ingame chat. RPG stays untouched as it will be dealt with by the SCN-Court.
- You are obligated to use the Server Language. Apart from the typical RPG-Langauges. For example: "Klingon," "Romulan," etc. Texts are to be written in the same language of the server.
- You may not publish any content of queries, messages, ingame messages, personal messages and other media things without the consent of the original author/composer of the message. RPG content is hereby exempt.
Clauses that contain an automatic approval for publication is prohibited!
- The operator of STNE has the right to: follow violations according to the german/english and/or european and international laws
Distancing your behavior from the norms or rules can be punishable by the game management, even if it is not written down. (Just because there isn't a rule for every game action, that doesn't mean you are permitted to do anything that you know is wrong. The game-management has the right to interpret as they see fit!) You can only rely on the game rules that exist in STNE.
- You are obligated to report any rule breaking of other players regardless of the nature and extent) to the administration, or in other words the STNE court. Failure to report a violation will lead to punishment.
1Consequence: Immediate renaming or removal.
4. Bug, Bug-using, Scripts and Similar
- What is a Bug?
- A program error or software error. It is a expression from the EDV-Area.
A program error happens in computer programs, when a programmer hasn't taken a program logic state into account,
or if the runtime environment malfunctions. Also incompleteness, inaccuracies, omissions, ambiguities, etc. in the specification of the program can lead to bugs, or be interpreted as such.
A Bug is also, when a function of STNE is used in a way that it was not designed for and implemented by the original game developer.
You can announce unknown bugs, or view current ones in the STNE Forum
- What is Bug-using?
The use of the program described in § 4.1.1 error exploits.
- If a bug has been announced in the STNE forum,
every user has the possibility to state their opinion.(even without a forum account).
Using Ignorance as a justification will not be accepted.
- Whoever finds a bug, must announce it in the STNE Forum (Bugusing section).
- You may only use the STNE-Script-Engine for automation and queries.
External Bots, Website-Grappe or similar are prohibited.
- Dubbing and the usage of STNE-Files in any way or quantity is prohibited. This counts especially for other online games and official galaxy charts and ship lists.
- The blocking of pop-ups and filtering of banners is not permitted. The advertising will be deactivated and extra features will be available through the acquiring of the STNE Feature pack.
---- Actions for violating the rules of the game ----
5. Rule-breaking and punishments
- Rule Violations against "General Rules to User Accounts" ...
- ... are to be punished with minimum a 2 week period.
An account cancellation is at the discretion of the Court..
- If suspicions are backed by evidence, so is this sufficient for a imposition of a penalty.
The penalty is equal to the punishment, which would be set if a rule braking is backed by evidence.
- Rule breakings against "Special rules to User Accounts and Code of Conduct" ...
- ... are to be punished by § 3.1. with a account ban of 3 days and a renaming.
In case of repetition, so will the account be blocked for at least a week.
- ... are to be punished by § 3.2. ff. with a account ban of at least one week.
Depending on the severity of the rule violation, the punishment could go all the way up to a account deletion.
- Rule violation against "Bug, Bug-using, Scripts [...]"
- ... are to be punished with a account ban of at least 2 weeks.
An account cancellation is at the discretion of the STNE Court.
- If suspicions are backed by evidence, so is this sufficient for a imposition of a penalty.
The penalty is equal to the punishment, which would be set if a rule braking is backed by evidence.
- General information about rule violations and penalties/punishment
- Basically these are penalty guidelines for the STNE Rule monitoring team.
- Penalties should be chosen according to the severity of the violation.
- The courts can impose sentences of probation.
- The imposition of alternative penalties are always possible.
- The decisions of the penalties are law!
- In case of dispute, the final word rests with the Game Management.
- The courts can go active without a case!
---> See also: